
Group by:

Objects with hex values - for nmostr.


Public and Private keys, Signatures, and Event IDs implemented as objects with data/hex pairs.

See also:

§ Hex utils

Primitives for working with hexadecimal strings. Implemented using StackStrings as our hexes each have a constant length.

§ Objects

The objects themselves, access the bytes and hex using obj.toBytes and obj.toHex. Use Object.fromHex or Object.fromBytes for initialization.


EventID = object
  raw*: array[32, byte]
  hex*: StackString[64]
PublicKey = object
  raw*: array[64, byte]
  hex*: StackString[64]
A Nostr public key is a secp256k1 x-only public key. An x-only public key encodes a point whose Y coordinate is even. It is serialized and transmitted using only its X coordinate (32 bytes).
SchnorrSignature = object
  raw*: array[64, byte]
  hex*: StackString[128]


func dumpHook(s: var string; v: PublicKey | EventID | SchnorrSignature) {.inline.}
Serialize id, pubkey, and sig into hexadecimal.
proc dumpHook(s: var string; v: StackString) {.inline.}
func fromBytes(T: typedesc[PublicKey]; bytes: openArray[byte]): T:type {.inline.}
func fromHex(T: typedesc[PublicKey | EventID | SchnorrSignature]; hex: auto): T:type {.
func fromHex(T: typedesc[seq[byte]]; hex: auto): T:type {.inline.}
func fromHex[N, N2](T: typedesc[array[N, byte]]; hex: array[N2, char]): T:type {.
func fromHex[N](T: typedesc[array[N, byte]]; hex: openArray[char]): T:type {.
func fromHex[N](T: typedesc[array[N, byte]]; hex: StackString): T:type {.inline.}
func hexToRaw(v: EventID | SchnorrSignature): auto {.inline.}
Parse raw data from hex
func hexToRaw(v: PublicKey): array[64, byte] {.inline, ...raises: [ValueError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
func init(T: typedesc[EventID]; raw: sink array[32, byte]): T:type {.inline.}
func init(T: typedesc[PublicKey]; raw: sink array[64, byte]): T:type {.inline.}
Note that raw != toBytes for PublicKey. Use fromBytes to get a PublicKey from an array[32, byte] x-only public key.
func init(T: typedesc[SchnorrSignature]; raw: sink array[64, byte]): T:type {.
func parseHook(s: string; i: var int;
               v: var (PublicKey | EventID | SchnorrSignature)) {.inline.}
Parse id, pubkey, and sig as a hexadecimal encoding (of a sha256 hash).
func parseHook(s: string; i: var int; v: var StackString) {.inline.}
func populate(v: var (PublicKey | EventID | SchnorrSignature)) {.inline.}
Makes sure both the hex and raw fields are populated, raises an exception if v is an empty object.
func populateHex(v: var (PublicKey | EventID | SchnorrSignature)) {.inline.}
Update the hex of v based on its raw data
func populateRaw(v: var (PublicKey | EventID | SchnorrSignature)) {.inline.}
Update the raw data of v based on its hex
func readHexChar(c: char): byte {.inline, ...raises: [ValueError], tags: [],
                                  forbids: [].}
Converts a hex char to a byte
func toBytes(v: PublicKey): array[32, byte] {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
Gets the x-coordinate by reading the first 32 bytes in reverse.
func toHex(bytes: openArray[byte]): string {.inline, ...raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
Convert a byte-sequence to its hex representation
func toHex[N](bytes: array[N, byte]): auto {.inline.}
Convert a byte-array to its hex representation
func toString(v: PublicKey | EventID | SchnorrSignature): string {.inline.}


template `$`(v: PublicKey | EventID | SchnorrSignature): string
template bytes(v: EventID | SchnorrSignature): auto
template bytes(v: PublicKey): auto
template bytesLen(T: typedesc[EventID | SchnorrSignature]): Positive
template bytesLen(T: typedesc[PublicKey]): Positive
template fromBytes(T: typedesc[EventID | SchnorrSignature];
                   bytes: openArray[byte]): T:type
template rawToHex(v: PublicKey | EventID | SchnorrSignature): auto
Parse hex from raw data
template toBytes(v: EventID | SchnorrSignature): auto
template toHex(v: PublicKey | EventID | SchnorrSignature): auto